Can the work from home set up create fair competition and decent jobs?

The pandemic has enforced huge changes across the globe. How people work, socially engage, and live their lives has been greatly affected. People are expected to adapt and find ways to cope with the new normal. The growing threat of COVID-19 is still in our new reality. The work from home set up was implemented by almost every business around the world to reduce the transmission rate of the virus. This may all seem like an advantage for employees who are stressing over commuting hours and toxic workplace atmospheres almost everyday of the week. 

The new set up poses a new challenge… Can work from home set up create fair competition and decent jobs? 

The loudest mouth gets fed.

There are people working in the Gig Economy who are very used to this kind of work from home but what if you are someone who needs to be part of a team in order to achieve a project or any work objectives? That is where the challenge begins… Here are some other struggles we should consider before we make our final judgment. 

  • Unrealistic Work Expectations

You are exhausted and drowning in work but you still don’t meet your boss’ expectations. Moreover, some clients are asking for the impossible. There are some people who can handle the pressure when working from home, and others who can not.  If your home life has too many distractions, is it conducive to work?  Does the Work from home set up encourage and promote people without children, partners and animals?  Is that fair? 

  • Manager Communication Breakdowns

Communication is essential in any remote work. What if you feel out of touch with your boss and the company’s strategic priorities? Of course, it’s a manager’s job to ensure that their remote employees are on the same page as the others in the company; however, some managers just have no idea on how to effectively communicate with remote employees.

Some employees also struggle with communication, especially when there are more distractions, and less face to face communication opportunities.

  • Work Assessment

Some employees assume that work is being monitored in the same way, so bosses know how hard that they are working.  The loudest mouth gets fed, and in the work from home set up, this is more accurate than ever before. 

A lot of problems occur in work and sometimes, communication is the only answer to fix it. But given today’s changes in our workforce, how can one be competitive and receive the amount of support an employee needs to do his or her work to the best of their ability?  

Can the work from home set up still create fair competition and decent jobs? For that, employers should highly invest in ensuring that their employees are getting the best support system they need in order to complete their tasks effectively.  

Tasks should be carefully assigned in order to get the most from each individual employee. Employees can earn a decent living working from home, and save more money.

Can the work from home set up be fair?

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