Common Agile Misconceptions

Agile working promotes efficiency in the workplace by allowing employees the freedom and flexibility to work when and how they choose in different sections of the office or remotely via hot-desking. With fewer limitations and more freedom, the emphasis shifts to performance and quality rather than the location of work. When we talk about agile working, this is not limited to big organisations but this can also be applied to small and medium enterprises too. For a variety of reasons, businesses choose an agile strategy. Some anticipate increased productivity and a shorter time-to-market. Others are responsible for more successful goods. Others use agile to enhance cooperation between developers and businesspeople, as well as to improve quality and project engagement. If you are an SME owner, you may want to take time and know more about what agile working is. In this article we will debunk first the misconceptions people draw about agile working. 

There are sure to be misconceptions and falsehoods about every new framework or approach and agile is no exception to that. 

  1. Agile is new – This isn’t correct. Agile working has been around for a long time, dating back to the late 1980s and early 1990s as agile is all about adapting to dynamic surroundings in this age of technology unpredictability and global market needs.
  1. Agile is instant -This isn’t correct. One of the most common misunderstandings is that Agile requires no planning. Agile isn’t just a case of ‘do it’; it needs rigorous preparation in terms of timelines, budgets, and other project factors.
  1. Agile is just for Software Development- Agile is ideally suited to any project with a high degree of originality and complexity.

Agile working links people to technology, which boosts efficiency and productivity. As a result, agility is described as a company’s proactive evolution in order to prosper.

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