Cyber risks for businesses

Cyber Risks, Financial Risks, Reputation Risks, Staffing Risks. Just like how employers want to keep their businesses protected from facing a financial crisis, there are other threats constantly troubling company owners.  One of the biggest risks today is the threat of cyber attacks.  One simple Cyber attack could steal all the company data and cause a security breach that brings unwanted attention. 

Of course, most organisations depend on the use of technology and it is not a secret that computers or the internet connections are vulnerable to cyber threats. For that, what should businesses be aware of when planning their cybersecurity strategies? 

It is given that human behaviour or human error is the most driving enabler of cybersecurity breaches that opens opportunities for criminals to exploit. This can come from poor knowledge on how to protect themselves and their company’s digital data by randomly clicking on an unsolicited link or failing to input strong passwords. Human error is the root cause of many successful attacks. For that, it should be a lesson for employers to create a robust digital safety culture within their organisation.

Here are the most common cyber risks for businesses:
  • Malicious links distributed via email
  • suspicious attachments may include code or exploits that may lead your computer to download more malware from the internet.
  • Poorly guarded usernames and passwords
  • Passwords should contain a combination of uppercase and lowercase, numbers, and symbols so that hackers have a difficult time accessing your account. 
  • Inconsistent adherence to IT and data policies
  • policies and procedures are essential to any businesses and it also applies with respect to cybersecurity and data management to avoid cyber attacks and data breaches because a cyber security policy sets the standards of behaviour for activities such as encryption of email attachments and restrictions on the use of social media that may affect how protected your business information is.

There are more cyber risks for businesses and it should concern any business owner if they want their privacy to be kept secure. Thus, proper training and education should be given to employees as well as proper funding for the management to ensure that their business will have the utmost cybersecurity available.

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