How to activate ‘do not disturb’ mode?

People who are currently working from home can surely relate to the feelings of anxiety, confusion and stress that this new working environment brings.  There are children, dogs, neighbours, to deal with. The lack of support, the feelings of loneliness, the confusion that used to be resolved by going to your colleagues and talking through the problem persist through the day. 

There are advantages to working from home, and people focus on the positives, like freedom, flexible hours, no commuting. There are disadvantages too, and people working from home are often heard complaining about being overwhelmed, confused and unsupported. Some employers are taking advantage of the situation, by increasing the working hours, or expecting more to be done, since there is no commute, no lunch breaks, cigarette breaks and coffee breaks. 

The lack of support can be no appropriate tools, no direct communication with superiors, no guidance and no one to simply sit with and talk to. For some, working from home is hard. 

Dedication to your job is a good thing but what if it is taking much of your day that you forget that there is more to life than work. In the UK being a workaholic is considered quite normal, especially for people between 30 and 50 years old. In a recent study we found that four in 10 adults admitting they cannot leave work alone. However committed one may be, it is important that we should learn to take care of our well-being especially by taking a rest. 

For starters, you can begin by setting your cell phones or tablets to ‘do not disturb’ mode. How? 

You can simply Go to Settings > Do Not Disturb to turn on Do Not Disturb manually or set a schedule. to turn it on or off. If you set an alarm in the Clock app, the alarm goes off even when Do Not Disturb mode is on. For some phones, the feature can be simply found if you scroll the top of your screen down. 

If you are worrying that you might not be able to receive calls or texts that may be important, well do not fret, because the feature only allows you to avoid getting notifications with a loud ring or illuminating screen light that may disturb your sleep or spending quality time with your loved ones. 

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