Feeling isolated, exhausted, burnt out, unmotivated, and experiencing difficulty sleeping lately? These are the common burnout symptoms people can experience whenever they are disengaged at work. Is it normal? Stress is normal but being burnt out shouldn’t be taken lightly as it can have serious consequences. Being a small business owner requires a lot of effort and time that might consume too much money and energy. A recent study suggests that business owners are more susceptible to burnout because they are extremely passionate about their work and often socially isolated all while operating their business in high uncertainty. 

3 ways to avoid burnout for small business owners: 

Identify what drains you and delegate it – when starting a business, owners are tempted to be involved in every aspect of the company, this kind of thinking is wrong! Delegate tasks to people who are knowledgeable about it, like getting a bookkeeper to do accounting. Do not micromanage, you are an individual capable of limited things, you cannot do all things at once and expect a good result. Instead, empower people and see how good it is to reduce the tasks on your plate. 

Find your outlet – even if time makes it impossible for business owners to do leisurely stuff, it is important to note that having ample time for yourself in a day is good too. Whether it is writing, watching a movie, or running; if you give yourself time to rest, you’re most likely to come back to work motivated and more focused.

Remember the reason why going back to what motivated you to start your business would definitely push you forward. If you are feeling exhausted, remember the reason why.

Always remember that self-care is as important as ensuring good management and caring for your staff and your business. Use some of the tips to help you stay motivated and passionate about your work. 

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