Jobs in post-pandemic UK

Employers had been allegedly struggling to find enough employees to fill empty positions for years prior to the virus-induced recession.  Now, as the jobless rate progressively climbs to its highest levels in over half a century, there are many jobs that we still need to fill, new jobs being created, but also, many people losing their jobs and having to re-skill. 

The global epidemic of COVID-19 has transformed the way we live, trade, and work. As a result of the crisis, both large and small enterprises have been compelled to migrate to a remote workplace, which has had an impact on our health and the global economy. Many businesses have been forced to make difficult decisions, such as laying off employees, finding new methods to do business, and pushing boundaries.

Marketing, particularly digital marketing and graphic design,will witness a rise in career possibilities post-pandemic. Just about anything multimedia will be in great demand, and organisational leaders will want leadership in this new realm of electronic and digital communication. Jobs to expect in post-pandemic? 

  1. Creative innovators – One of the most important skills that a creative innovator needs is to deep-learn customer mood, purchase, and use behaviour in order to understand what a user wants. Simply defined, a creative innovator identifies unmet requirements, forecasts the likelihood and scope of future usage, and provides input to product design and delivery teams to assure the creation of a functional product or service.
  1. Digital Content Marketers – Content marketers begin their careers as copywriters, writing lengthy and short-form text for business blogs, contributor posts, ads, mailers, PR and press stories, brochures, journal articles, eBooks, and promoting a company’s presence on popular social networking platforms.
  1. Virtual Teaching Assistants- Educators in schools and colleges have used e-learning to create a virtual learning environment. A virtual teaching assistant helps students learn in the classroom by offering technical support, within a week of coursework, and demonstrative learning aids.

Although these new employment positions in a post-pandemic era are only touching the surface of the job opportunities that will emerge, vocational degrees in non-essential crafts will dwindle unless social distance limitations are lifted.

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