Signs that freelancing is not for you as a side hustle

There are undeniably good advantages that come with being a freelancer. With such favourable benefits of being part of the gig economy, the reality is that it is not for everyone. Some people can excel, others can be left behind. Some people revel in the freedom, others need the structure, conformity and safety of people telling them what to do. Why? 

One reason is that income is not stable. Now, if you are thinking that freelancing might be your side hustle during the pandemic while doing your regular eight hour job, you might have to consider a few things before diving into the water. Yes, freelancing is open to everyone but there are just some people who don’t seem fit to be a freelancer. 

The United Kingdom has over 2 million freelancers at the moment, and these individuals were lucky enough to have the required skills and the discipline to pursue the gig economy. 

Now have you ever thought if you have the discipline to mix your regular job and a side hustle at the same time? Would you be able to maintain and provide a quality of work even if you are committed to another job? In this article, let us discuss the signs that might tell you if freelancing is not for you and if you have a regular job at the same time.

  1. You don’t like the idea of irregularities – irregular income as a freelancer is true because salary will be based on how many clients you accept and what kind of project you do. Of course, you are a regular shift employee and having these new realities of earning might not meet your expectations because you are used to getting a regular monthly pay plus benefits provided by your company. 
  1. You are uncomfortable with networking – as a freelancer, you will also need to communicate with your clients to get gigs and/or ask fellow giggers for referrals. If this idea makes you uneasy, then maybe it is not the time to be a freelancer. Being a regular employee is way different than being a boss of your own because you will have to deal with negotiations without someone’s help or support. 
  1. You need someone to tell you what to do – the greatest benefit of being a freelancer is the lack of a boss that commands you what to do. However, if you think that you are more of a person who works well with being led by a boss then freelancing is not for you. Reality is there are individuals who work better being led by a leader and of course, there is no shame in that too. 

Those are some of the signs that freelancing is not for you especially if you have a regular job commitment that takes up a lot of your time and focus. Being a freelancer is more than just having the set of skills needed to do a project but also includes having a proper work ethic for it to be a success.

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