Types of Freelancing Work

Wondering what type of freelancing job you should take on? Worry no more. In this article, we will try to guide and give you a brief background of the different gig work you can try. But before we start delving onto the types, let us first see the status of the gig economy today. According to MBO partners and the World Economic Forum, and the Visual Capitalist, the Gig Economy has contributed this much to the global economy:

  • US: $20.49 trillion
  • Canada: $1.71 trillion
  • Russia: $1.66 trillion
  • Mexico: $1.22 trillion
  • Sweden: $0.55 trillion

And it is no surprise that the freelancing community continues to rise amid the pandemic, because the size of the gig economy has been fluctuating over the last decade (Forbes, 2015.) Now that we have a few hints about what the future might be like in the gig economy let us now proceed to the types of jobs you can try to start your career:

Freelance Business Owners 

The term “Gig workers” is not only applicable to employees but to employers as well. These are the people that sell and market products they feel passionate about and interested in.  Side lines are often the gateway into the Gig Economy, having your own business on the side, can develop into a long term Gig.


In the gig economy, there are people who work an additional job after their employment. These people have steadier employment with a company and then take freelance work in their spare time while working as full time employees.

Independent Contractor 

These are individuals hired to do work for a company, business, or another individual but who is not an employee or agent of that person or organisation. They are self-employed people that usually work in the field of architecture, engineering, IT, Industry or  consulting. As a freelancer, you’ll be contracting yourself out to perform a certain task. Like working as an independent contractor for a company to build a website or do some programming.

Now that you have a brief insight of the different types of freelancing, we hope that you might have a key takeaway on what type of gig career you are planning to pursue in the future. 

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