Why do good employees leave?

The products or services of your business receive positive feedback from customers, you can pay the bills on time but your employees keep on leaving you. Have you ever looked at the reasons why that might happen? 

When was the last time your business needed to post an employment opportunity? If you have to hire new people on a regular basis, and you are not expanding quickly, there could be something wrong in your team. It could be a toxic work culture, a bad person, or bad training, management and guidance.  Generally, people do not leave jobs without good reason.

Employees should be considered as a company’s most important asset. For that, they should be valued and appreciated. The core of the team is the foundation of your company and the building blocks for growth. When a new person comes into the team they should be welcomed into the family, not seen as a threat and ignored, or mistreated.

Now, what could be the reason why some people do not stay long in a job?
  1. Management Mishaps – How do you handle your people? Do your employees feel that they work as a team? Do they feel their suggestions, concerns and challenges are acknowledged and, when possible, acted on? Do they feel validated? Listening to your employees is important to help you build stronger relationships with them. 
  1. Overworked – do your employees get the same amount of benefits they deserve from a job well done? Do they feel their efforts are well compensated? Reasons why good employees leave can be rooted from too much work that can cause burnout on their part. It is necessary to consider that employees need a work-life balance so they can still have time for themselves.
  1. No room for improvement – no matter how hardworking an employee can be, as long as there is no opportunity to grow; they will leave and look for other companies that can give them the opportunity to make themselves better. 
  1. Underpaid – People work for the money, to pay the bills and live their lifestyle of choice. Very few people work just for the enjoyment of the job. Are you paying a fair wage? Are you supporting people financially when they need it?

The British are increasingly aware of the issue of work-life balance which is why it is important to consider how to give your people the flexibility they need to do their personal stuff. You must be supportive and flexible for your employees, not be rigid and treat everyone as just a number, or a person on a seat. Get to know your people, support your people, and they will support you.

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