Media Relation Tips for Your Freelance Event Marketing

Going to events and understanding the flow of how they work will help you to manage the process yourself.  If you have ever been to a wedding, you know that structure. If you have been to a birthday party, or a family gathering, you know that there is a recipe for success.  There is a format to follow, then you can add your personality to that format, which will make you stand out in the busy world of Event Management. 

Building your firm is one thing to starting a business in the event marketing industry but maintaining relationships with your customers, vendors and suppliers is another thing. You can browse the web about launching an event planning business and countless results would appear but in this article, we want to focus on how you, as a CEO, can maintain a good relationship with the media which is surely one of your stakeholders when you are running an events firm.

Remember, as an event manager, you’ll deal with the press. Journalists are vital to any event. Whether they’re covering the full conference or just a keynote. You need to have a firm grasp on how to engage with them and approach them.  They give you free publicity and help you to find your next Gig, so always treat them well and with respect. 

Tip 1. Get a head start and keep on going

You need to put a lot of thought into media marketing to get the word out about an event and get it covered by the press. Prepare ahead of time by scheduling interviews and meetings with the media and outlining potential stories and articles on your coming event.

Tip 2. Get to know the journalist

Be aware of your target audience. If you want to get along well with journalists, one strategy is to determine their “beats.”. Not everyone in the media industry will be interested in your event. The journalist you should attempt to contact is the one who is engaged on a topic in your industry or routinely publishes about a matter that is related to your brand.

Tip 3. Adding a personal touch to your communications

Personalising your emails and subsequent follow-ups is a great way to set yourself apart from the competition. Don’t just send generic holiday greetings; use people’s names, convey pertinent remarks, and express your best wishes. Even if you don’t have an event for them to cover, maintaining regular contact with your media friends is a must to make relationships last longer.

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