Why Are Businesses Switching to VoIP?

Are landlines dead? They are an expensive, static, communications solution that require cables, wall-plugs and a fixed place to make calls from. The youth of today would not recognise the telephone handsets of old, so is that a reason people are moving to VoIP?

For many years, the standard BT phone line served as the backbone of UK communications, but its popularity may be over now that innovation in the telco industry is growing faster than ever. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) or hosted IP voice is quickly becoming the new standard and is expected to completely replace traditional landline telephone service in the near future. 

Let’s find out why businesses are switching to VoIP services:

  • Cheaper Yet Efficient –  One of the many benefits of Hosted IP is it’s much cheaper than regular phone lines. Hosted IP voice makes calls over the internet instead of copper wires, reducing expenses for organisations and people. Hosted IP voice services also typically include helpful extras like call forwarding, voicemail, and call recording that will secure efficient business operations.
  • Reduces Communication Barriers – Hosted IP voice is typically more dependable than landlines. Since internet communication removes the need for traditional telephone lines, it is less likely that your call will be interrupted by bad weather. In the event that a connection fails, calls can be automatically redirected to a secondary host, as this is a common feature of hosted IP voice. 

Given its lower price, more scalability, greater flexibility, and higher dependability hosted IP voice is quickly becoming a viable alternative to the standard BT phone line. Hosted IP voice may become the world’s preferred telecom solution as organisations and individuals seek more efficient and affordable communication methods.

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