Filipino Freelancer Invoicing Tools

There are many benefits to working as a freelancer, and the Philippines is one of the countries where more people are turning to freelancing faster than others. It is a growing industry with opportunities that out-weigh the day to day 9 to 5 grind. Increased salary, Increased freedom, increased learning possibilities and experience, however the decrease in benefits, sick pay, vacation pay must all be factored in. 

Many Filipinos are considering the freedom of choosing their own hours, diversifying their sources of income, and also most notably having no boss. 

Pay for freelancers comes by invoicing the employer, or contact person and getting your invoice paid. Before moving on, it’s crucial to grasp what an invoice is if you really wish to work as a freelancer since it will have a significant impact on how you deliver your services to various clientele.

For starters, an invoice is a written statement produced by a service provider, in this example, a self-employed person like you. This information is then delivered to the customer so they may see a breakdown of the services performed. As a freelancer, establishing an invoice is critical since it allows you to keep account of the work you delivered. Most significantly, it ensures timely payment. Invoices aren’t only payment requests, unlike bills. It contains vital data such as an invoice number, payment terms and conditions and, in certain cases, tax details.

Fortunately, there are numerous tools available to help you optimize your routine by simplifying the invoicing process.

1. Zoho – its invoice’s basic feature allows you to quickly and simply produce professional-looking invoices. You may personalise common invoice templates with your logo and colour palette so they match your brand and are aesthetically appealing to your clients.

2. Harvest – is widely regarded as the industry ideal, with its web-based (and mobile app) tool providing practically every financial management option a freelancer might need. Harvest changes project costs as time is tracked, keeping them on schedule and profitable. Harvest’s dashboard also has project management, reporting, and retainer features.

3. TopTracker – a free time tracking tool for virtual freelancers and freelancing organisations also eases payments in collaboration with Payoneer. TopTracker allows you to invoice and collect funds for tasks monitored using the app, with the added perk of using free payment options.

When you are writing invoices, keep them simple and formatted so repeat invoices all look the same and are easy for all to read through. If they are in a simple format, and if you are invoicing regularly, you do not need to make many changes each month, so the process is fast and efficient. 

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