How has the pandemic changed the Gig Economy?

The pandemic unquestionably had a huge influence on many aspects of our lives, including our professional and personal spaces. How we use our space changed massively during these past few years. Bedrooms became offices, gardens became gyms, garage conversions created the extra space that we need. Although many companies are making an effort to attract customers from all over the world, consumers are also paying greater attention to the businesses that are conveniently located near their homes. An estimated 400 million full-time jobs were lost across the globe as a result of the outbreak, as reported by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

At this juncture, it is difficult to determine whether or not these jobs will return, much alone when they will do so. The recruiting practices of startups may improve things, but they won’t be able to solve the vast number of individuals who are hoping to get back into employment. Authorities are striving to get the economy back in shape, and with the strain on healthcare, boosting other sectors won’t be simple. Even while economies and financial markets have taken a significant hit, little is clear on how the pandemic may affect the Gig economy.

Luckily, we have a few insight on how has the pandemic changed the gig economy:

1. Gig workers are in more demand. While there is still a lack of statistics on the gig economy, researchers do have a better idea of the COVID-19’s immediate impacts. In certain ways, the gig economy has outperformed other industries. The  delivery services.were the most successful with more shops and restaurants offering delivery options to their customers.

2. Careers in the gig economy are more easily accessible through mobile phones, which has implications for the future of human resource management. Automation is one technological breakthrough that helps recruiters with scheduling, timesheet monitoring, and work assignment while also guaranteeing efficiency and quality candidate engagements.

3. While the trend for gig workers has grown since the epidemic began, competition for freelance employment has also soared. Those that rely only on the gig economy for a living must now contend with one another, and all the formerly full-time employees that have been pushed into the gig economy.

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