What can H.R. implement to address quiet quitting?

Is it a new phenomenon or is it an old issue repackaged? Quiet quitting means that employees are doing the absolute minimum to get by in their jobs because they have lost interest in the job that they are doing. This could be a waste of great talent, meaning that someone is in a position that they are not suited for, or it could be poor management of the staff leading them to disengage. There are several reasons why it happens, and it should not be blamed on the younger generation, it is another element of coaching and training post-covid that is affecting many businesses today. 

Trending videos on social media have brought attention to the concept of “quiet quitting,” and many employees, especially those in Generation Z and the millennial generation, began to agree with the concept as a result. Contrary to what it literally means, quiet quitting does not involve packing your things in silence and disappearing without informing anybody.

It concerns employees who believe they aren’t receiving adequate compensation aside from their salary, and are no longer engaged in their tasks. Such as when people don’t find purpose in what they’re doing for a living, they tend to “withdraw” and put in as little energy as possible.

Arguments have arisen over the nature of the employee-employer dynamic and the factors that drive people to succeed in their professions as a result of the “quiet quitting” phenomenon. Managers’ expectations and methods for gauging employee performance have also come under scrutiny. 

What can H.R. do to address quiet quitting?

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