Debunking Myths About Cybersecurity

Just like home security has many elements, cybersecurity is just as complex. Cybersecurity is a vast and complex field, and there are a lot of myths floating around online that may make it seem much more complicated. To that end, we’ve compiled a few common cybersecurity myths that might endanger your business’s success and are busting them to help you protect your organisation’s private data from the hands of cybercriminals. 

  1. Having a strong password is enough – While, robust passwords that would prevent a data breach if used by an unauthorised party. A common misconception among businesses is that strong passwords won’t be able to compromise their network security. However, secure passwords are just the beginning. It takes several lines of defence to make a security system really effective. It is essential for businesses to have at least two-factor authentication and a system to track who has accessed sensitive information added to this mindset.
  1. BYOD is enough to ensure cybersecurity – Although a bring your own device (BYOD) policy might save money and increase productivity, it also opens up a new security vulnerability for the business. Assuming a staff’s laptops and mobile devices are protected is a risky move. They may have apps containing personal data, logins, and company data that are easy to exploit, and remember, every unprotected device is another cybersecurity flaw. When utilising their own equipment, employees must strictly adhere to company policy and they must be aware too on how to protect their devices from threats.
  1. Cybersecurity is an IT concern – From the top executives and presidents down to the office assistants, everyone is concerned with maintaining a safe and secure workplace. Cybersecurity is not just a responsibility of your IT department. When leaders place a premium on cybersecurity, that mentality spreads across the organisation. Thus, making cybersecurity a business culture priority requires extensive training and awareness efforts to help businesses protect their data.

When your children leave your house, they are told to close the door behind them, home security is therefore the child’s responsibility too. When you leave the house everyone checks their windows and doors, home security, just like cyber security is everyone’s responsibility and everyone can play their part. 

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