Types of Cyberbullying

Have you ever commented on something then your comment has invited online trolls to comment with their negativity?  Have you ever uploaded a picture and someone says that it looks bad?  These are some everyday examples of cyberbullying.  It gets worse! 

Cyberbullying is one example of something that can traumatise young people very badly. Cyberbullying happens when an attacker uses sms or social media to harass, abuse, or humiliate someone. Cyberbullying has become increasingly prominent due to technology. It’s a crime that happens everywhere. 

Cyberbullying may take many different types and have different effects on victims. It may range from what is considered harmless internet harassment to more serious forms of cybercrime like stealing money or compromising personal information. 

Here are five different types of cyberbullying you could encounter: 

1. Trolling 

Internet trolling has grown popular recently. For those who don’t know, it’s being rude and hurtful over the Internet. Trolls are Internet users that intentionally seek out conflict or emotional responses from others via posting or comments. In certain cases, people say things they don’t believe in order to incite drama.  It could be as simple as “That shirt is the wrong colour for you” or something much more hurtful. Some people just like to argue! 

2. Dissing 

Dissing is when individuals publish vile things about someone online to harm their reputation or friendships. This includes sharing media from your own camera roll or screen captures. Some cyberbullies go so far as to establish websites devoted to spreading slanderous information and false accusations about their victims.  The more famous you are, the more you might experience this. 

3 Cyberstalking 

Also known as “cyberstalking,” this issue is when an adult initiates sexually explicit communication with a minor through the web and then attempts to meet with them in person. This sort of cyberbullying is very harmful and must be stopped quickly to avoid devastating effects. You must monitor your child’s accounts for messages from strangers. 

4. Fraping 

A victim of cyberbullying may encounter this if the bully uses his or her social media accounts to publish offensive material under the victim’s identity. The person gets trapped in potentially damaging information online.  Accounts can be cloned, or your picture taken from your school and used against you. This causes people to leave social media and if they return, to be extra careful.

5. Harassment 

One of the most common types of bullying, “picking on” encompasses a wide range of types of internet abuse towards minors. Harassment on the internet may mean many things, including mean-spirited responses to social media postings, messages, and tweets. Bullies might even use their social media accounts to abuse others.  There are some sad people in the world. And they can often be found online. 

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